Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Not Thursday, and no coffee!

Hello Ladies:
I realize it is not Thursday as I am writing this, but I am helping in G's classroom tomorrow morning and thought you may all wonder if I didn't have my blog up first thing, so I am writing it tonight. Not a very busy week in my house. Tara called me this morning and asked what I was up too and I had to sheepishly admit I was catching up on my Army Wives. I had already watched two episodes when she called and watched a third after we hung up. I have fallen very behind and now must catch up. I am at the point where Roxy just got her GED and Pamela has a stalker. I am also still watching Gilmore Girls on DVD, along with Tara, we didn't plan on watching the same thing at the same time, just kind of happened that way. We are also on the same disc and episode! WEIRD! I have a goal. If I lose ten pounds I can buy the next season on DVD. I have lost the first 5lbs and I am on my way. I think I have enough extra fat to get through all seven seasons. What a great show. If you haven't watched it you really should. My Mom is coming for a visit next week. The kids have three days off from school for conferences. I am not sure what is up with that, however they also don't get out for Christmas break until the 23rd. We will be sending the teachers postcards from the Carribean for Christmas as we are leaving on the 13th! So, back to Mom visiting, she arrives on Thursday morning on the redeye and is staying until Sunday. I am looking forward to her visit, however I know she thinks we are living in the sticks with a bunch of hicks and I must make her think otherwise. I am taking her to the Muskegon Museum of Art and the Grand Haven and Muskegon County Museums. They are all really nice museums and I know she will realize there is culture here after all, besides she can get her New York Times here so that makes everything better. For those of you that don't know, Mom always thought Astoria was the end of the Earth because she couldn't get a New York Times there.

Paul took me to the movies during the day this week. We went and saw Nights of Rodanthe. I know, I couldn't believe it either when he agreed to go. I don't think he will ever agree again! It was very good and all the old ladies that where there kept stopping to chat with Paul about how he was the token guy in the theater. He was so beat down I don't think I will ever get him to go with me again. So the one good thing to come off the boat is that Paul is pretty much letting me have my way with the remote control. We are both watching Dancing with the kids on Monday, Tuesday we watch The biggest Loser as a motivator, Weds-nothing, Thursday we watch Survivor and Tivo Grey's, Friday-nothing yet, but I have plans for the new one with the Grey's girl, the Ex-List, Sunday we are watching Amazing race and Desperate Housewives.

Amy We need to start having a weekly phone call about Survivor and Amazing Race!

Everyone- I need some yummy low cal chicken dishes that don't take time to make.

I am very excited that we found a really good doctor and dentist. I got a recommendation from a girl at the YMCA for a doctor and ended up needing one for G (sinus infection) and we both really liked the guy and his staff. It took me three years before I found a great doctor in Astoria, so I was rather pleased it didn't take too long here. G had to have a tooth pulled last week. Her two bottom teeth would not fall out and her big teeth were already in place behind the baby ones, so out they came. Wouldn't you know it that one fell out the night before the appointment! The dentist uttered the words that every parent dreads hearing......BRACES! He thinks G may need them in a few years due to the crowding in her mouth.

So, what is everyone going to be for Halloween? G is a fifties girl, poodle skirt and everything, H is going to be a Clone something or other from Star Wars, I am going to be a cat, and Paul is going to be Mr. Cranky and not dress up! What a goober!

The leaves are falling here and it looks very pretty. I love having a real fall and cannot wait for the snow start falling. In one day it went from summer to fall and I think it will be the same with winter. It doesn't look very nice here when all the trees are naked, but with the snow it should still be nice. All reports say that this winter is going to be worse than last years and last year it was pretty bad. Global warming may be a bad thing for us this year.

I will check all the blogs when I get back from school. I hope all of you have a wonderful Thursday!


MandMsWorld said...

I hear ya on the braces - it's likely both boys will need them, they both have a bit of an overbite and J has an extra tooth that will need to get pulled be glad she"s not twins!

Crafty Webfoot said...

okay, so do I get to say you guys are whimpy on the braces. In addition to the braces on H, we are expecting bone graft. It will be interesting to see what they do. Right now his underbite is so bad he has enough space to poke a finger between the backs of his bottom teeth and front of his top ones.

So, before you even mentioned the th NY Times I was just thinking if she knew she could get it there.

You are lucky with the movie thing. How lame, I don't even know what movie you are talking about. The last movie we went to was the animated Star Wars movie with our kids and two neighbor kids. I think before that was Charlotte's Web..and you know who that was with. H was still on the bottle then.

I have some good and easy chicken recipes. It's far too late to do them tonight. They are in my favorite cookbook though...Cooking Lights 5 ingredient, 15 minute cookbook. Every recipe is just as the title claims.

Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Have fun with your mom!

Sure, give me a call or shoot me an e-mail on Friday mornings about Survivor / Amazing Race. Ya know I'm loving that doctor guy, but he's not nearly as cute as Colby from a few seasons ago. :o)

The Monkey Bugs said...

Postcards from the Carribean???? No fair!
I'm with Laurie on the movie thing, the last person my husband took to the movies was Amy's husband!
Have fun with your Moms visit! You will have to let us know what fun things she brings you!
I'll e-mail you my fav. Chicken recipes.

Crafty Webfoot said...

Okay, so scroll down in my blog. I've added a new gadget. Recipe of the day. I posted two chicken recipes there. I may have been better off calling it recipe of the week month or decade. We'll see how often I update that.