Hi Everyone! Happy Thanksgiving. I just got home and spent a few minutes reading last weeks blogs. I tried to get mine done while I was in China, but everytime I would log onto a computer there it was always in Chinese. Tara I am so happy that you are going back to school to get your LPN. Who would have thought that at this stage in their lives Ray and Paul would be married to co-eds! WooHoo! Amy I am totally jealous that you got to have a special lunch with Tara for your birthday. An Melissa you may have put someone else's pictures of turkey cookies on your blog, but we all know you made some that looked just like the picture you posted.....miss fancy pants. I also know that Laurie is being quiet right now because somewhere in her kitchen is a plate of something yummy that looks fairly designerish as well, that would put all of us Oreos cookie buyers to shame. So to those of you that are making all homemade yummy desserts I say "SEND ME SOME". We are also getting ready for Thanksgiving here which is why I am blogging on Weds, not Thurs. It is only going to be us for the holiday this year so very low key, but H is helping make all the dishes. Today we are making pie and cranberry sauce. Tomorrow he will help with everything else, so here is the menu:
Turkey (plain, not fried this year)
Stuffing (the real stuff, not out of a box)
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans with bacon and Spatzles
Corn Suffle
Cranberry Sauce
Pecan Pie
I feel slightly ill thinking about the amount of food we are going to be making and comsuming, but Thanksgiving only comes once a year and everyone wants their favorite dishes, so here we go.
China was fab! I had a wonderful time. Travelling with my Mom was wonderful. We took a great tour of Hong Kong on the second day we were there, did a lot of shopping, spent a bounch of time with my friend Leah from Paris, ate great food, and loved the city! Shanghi was a completely different kind of city. It was much more gritty. The people there didn't speak English for the most part. I did take a city tour and spent some time wandering about on my own. Mom was working in Shanghi, so I spent most of my touring time there on my own. One day I went into an older part of the city, that was a real neighborhood and ended up in a real, Chinese grocery store. It was two stories tall and had the craziest stuff in it. Melissa you would have loved all the crazy things in it. I ended up getting a few things to bring back for the kids to take to school and sample with the other kids. I have some really fun pictures that I will load later in the week. I am still struggling with sleep issues. I got back very late in the evening and had trouble falling asleep because it was morning in China, and H is sick with a cough, so that last 36 hours have been a bit rough. I think the folks at the local Starbucks must think I am a professional coffee runner for an office building with the amount of trips I have been making there. Everyone will be pleased to know that you can get Starbucks on almost every coner in China! They are very name concious over there and they love American brands. Starbuck's, McDonald's, KFC, Coldstone, Coach, you name it they have it! While I was walking around I ended up in the museum of Science and Technology in Shanghi. It was full of Chinese school kids and Chinese military guys. I was the olny western person in the museum, and all the kids kept asking if they could take their picture with me. I felt like Paris Hilton! WEIRD! So, next week I will post some pictures. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
What I am Giving Thanks For:
My Husband
My Kids
My Family
you all knew those would top any list!
Having friends that stand the test of time. I know I could go on about how much I care for all of you and what you all mean to me, but I know you get it, and I don't have to say it out loud. I trust you all, I love you all, and I miss you all!
My pretty new house.
A good school, for me and the kids.
A fireplace
What I will give thanks for that everyone would think is silly
Long fingernails that are all the same length.
A perfect white V-Neck shirt I found on sale and got two of in my size!
Cheetos while watching Survivor
Knowing I will totally get my Mom with the Duck.
Pecan Pie
Shopping close by
Enjoy Turkey Day!
12 years ago
Okay, so I was really hoping for a daily update while you were away. But of course I totally understand not getting anything till you got home. What a cool trip.
Your T-day sounds great. That's great that H is helping with the food. But please don't tell me that G will just be sitting and watching a game with dad...
Nothing exciting going on in my kitchen. We are going to D's sister's as soon as he get's home today. My contribution will be parkerhouse rolls that I made and froze the other day, homemade cranberry relish and home made Irish cream, both made this morning and a spiral ham that D will flame when get there.
I meant try a new banana bread recipe today, but I won't have time. I was thinking about adding orange zest and juice along with dried cranberrie to my regular recipe. Oh well, there's always another day...
Have a happy T-day and say high to the family.
Welcome Home! Happy Thanksgiving!!
I want Green beans with bacon and spatzels!!!! Yum!
Thanks for the post card! It sounds like you had an amazing trip. I wish I was brave enough to go somewhere cool like that, but the thought of wondering a big foreign city alone is down right scary to me! *shudder*
Post pictures of the snow!
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