Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I almost forgot that it is indeed Thursday AND Christmas day. What a great time to say good morning and Merry Christmas to my extended family. That is what you all are. What a morning to be thankful. We got to sleep in until 7am when H decided enough was enough and he wasn't going to wait a second longer, and frankly I am suprised he waited until 7. G on the other hand had to be woken up to open presents. Santa made it through the blizzard like conditions to our house and made the babies very happy. Mom and Dad are pretty happy too. We seemed to have picked the right gifts for everyone and each other. Before we opened our gifts I took a picture of our tree with all the presents under it and thought, WOW! We sure do have a lot of people that love us. We took our time, enjoyed the coffee and the chatter. I was very suprised to find that my sister Beth and her family sent us a Santa's breakfast kit with Pancake/Waffle Mix, coffee, jam and syrup in it, and Paul and the kids gave me a new waffle maker because mine broke last Christmas morning. KISMET! So we enjoyed waffles for breakfast. The kids are in the midst of building a huge LEGO kit and than they are moving on the build Barbie's Cruise ship. So is it tacky to say what we all got for Christmas? If we were talking on the phone we would tell each other, so maybe not that tacky. I was pretty pleased I got some of the things on my list. I forgot I posted a list, until one of my presents said read the blog and you will understand the gift. I asked Santa for a new winter coat, as mine got slammed in the trunk of the car and the zipped was smushed. So, I got a new winter coat and a gift Certificate for my books at Amazon. YAHOO!!!!! Paul and the kids got me a new computer chair so when I am studying I will be comfortable. Both kids made out like bandits. They are so happy and have declared this the best Christmas EVER!!! H still believes and we are trying to keep it that way for at least one more year. I think the only reason he believes is that he knows we would never in his wildest dreams spend that much money on toys for them, and while we were on the cruise the elves came and filled the elf box everyday. If that's not magic I don't know what is. I have pictures to post, but I don't want to spend all of Christmas morning on the computer, so I will post later in the week or maybe tomorrow. I hope all of you have a wonderful day, Merry Christmas to all of you and your families.

1 comment:

Crafty Webfoot said...

Your Christmas sounds so nice. Isn't it nice not having to worry about your hubby having to get underway soon? (sorry MandM...)

So, did you transfer ownership of the duck on your cruise?? Details!!

Glad you had a great Christmas. Happy New Year.