Have any of you noticed that fortune cookies of late have become more statements than fortunes? Paul and H are famous for getting statements, I usually get a fortune and usually a double in my cookies. We have finally found a great chinese place in town. We like the food and the girl that runs it is very nice. The food is not as good as Golden Star, but I think it is still yummy. I am bringing all of this up because I got a statement in my last cookie, and it was so good I taped it to my computer so I can see it while I am studying.
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.
What a great thing to read every morning. School is going very well. I have just finished my mid-terms and I think I did fine. I already got back my Brit-Lit exam and got an A, so I am feeling pretty confident now. The kids are on mid-winter break this week, and they still get a spring break in April. I am on spring break next week, which is nice because I will get to go do fun stuff with my mother when she comes to visit. We will have oodles of fun while the kiddies are in school, and we won't even let them know we left the house! In other news, my car is back in the shop. It is stalling again and the trannie is going (I think). I love the car, but hate the problems I have had with the car. I am driving a tin can on whells until I get it back.
American Idol-I did really like any of the singers last night, except the hippy girl in the white dress. My fav to win it is still Gokey. I think the boy that sang last last night may get the little girl votes and could be a contender.
Survivor- I still love the redneck boy JT, and hope Coach gets his just desserts. He is too cocky for me.
Homeland Security-My FAVORITE new show. Thanks to Amy we are watching it. I never even heard about it until I saw it on her blog as her show to watch when the season started. THANKS AMY...very cool show.
Amazing Race- I like the asian brother and sister and the boy and his mom. I don't know how well any of them will do in the great destructor INDIA. Everyone seems to fall apart there, and I laugh my butt off.
Bachelor (SP?)-I hope he pick Melissa, but I think something big is going to happen, but not with Deanna. I have heard some rumors, and wonder how true they may be.
I hope you all have a wonderful week. Read my extra post below to see how H did in the State Championships for Swimming.
12 years ago