Friday, February 20, 2009

Late Again!

I am posting late due to a big exam in my Linguistics class on Thursday. I was all ready for it and had a few extra hours to spend studying for it on Thursday morning, as well as, post my blog entry, until we had a snow day. Around here it has to be a pretty big weather system for them to shut down school, so you should all know we had a nice big storm. I think I did OK with my exam. I did get my paper back for the class and got a nice 94 (A) on it! YAHOO! I turned in a few more papers this week and I have mid-terms next week, so I am a bit stressed, but nothing that a nice glass of red wine can't fix. Friday's are my down days. i am finished with class for the week. I don't have to get up early the next morning, so I usually reserve Friday nights for a glass of wine, people magazine, some yummy snacks (Chinese Cracker and Nut mix from Costco) and chill out. I start studying again on Saturday for the next week, but I get Friday night. I also get the hours on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, that my favorite shows are on. One hour a night to watch. This school thing is really cutting into my night time TV schedule. I promised some pictures, so today I will post a few. The first is the Valentine Mailbox H made for his school project. they had a contest to design a box to put your Valentine's in and H got FIRST place for his! The next is one of the kids with their icicles from the house. Now I know you have all seen pictures of my house, so you all know it is a two story house, so how did I get these bad boys down? I opened the upstairs bathroom window, removed the screen, leaned way out (don't worry Moms I held on to the towel bar so i wouldn't fall out, besides if I did I would just land in snow. Right?) and grabbed them with a towel. The kids had the best time playing with them. I was pretty sicked out that they kept licking them, but hey if they eat hot dogs a little roof tar can't hurt them. In the picture of G, she was just passed on to the next level of gymnastics. She is now a "flipper" level 4 girl and she is very proud of herself. I asked if she wanted to have a gymnastics party for her birthday in a few weeks and she declined saying instead she wanted a Chuckie Cheese party. Good Golly Miss Molly! I thought we had almost outgrown that place! The last picture is one from our dinner earlier this month. There is a place in G.H. that makes a 24" pizza. Yes ladies, you heard right! 24" inches of pure gooey, cheesy, delight! That is two feet of pizza, and we had to get one to try it. VERY GOOD. and, if any of you come for a visit (moms included) we will order one just so you can try it. Now, on to some shout outs....
TARA-you rock! Thank you for my favorite Valentine's Day present. I wish my hubbie had thought of Starbuck's! Also, I love looking at L's pictures. She is getting so big and she is so beautiful. I remember meeting her for the first time at Kathleen Tabors house when she was a few months old. How far she has come!
AMY- JT is my pick. There is just something about those southern guys. I also kind of like the boy that just went to Exhile island. He played that whole thing off really well.
MELISSA- I am watching American Idol, so you don't have to be left out of the TV talks. I am thrilled that Tatianna is gone and hope Gokey goes all the way. (he was the guy that sang Hero the other night)
MICHELLE- Thanks for all the info on boys that you keep passing on. We feel really lucky that H seems to be back to normal(?) for him and it was the meds. I'm counting down for you and Matt here, and hoping oyu all pass by G.H. on your way back east.
LAURIE-I know you have a motor home and I also know gas prices are way down, so if ever there was a time for you to think about a trip to MI now is it! You could all come out for the summer. You and Michelle and hubbies and kids and we could all have a big reunion. Maybe Tara and her family could plan a trip to OH and make it up here as well. Melissa you guys could even plan a trip to see if MI is where you all want to come next.
OK, I am off to watch Friday Night Lights. I love that show and it's not just because Riggins is nice to look at!
P.S. I think Johnny Depp is HOT!!!!!!! Even as a Pirate.


The Monkey Bugs said...

I heart Gokey too! He is my fav. by far (at least out of the ones they have shown!)
I would have thrown something at the TV if Tatiana had stayed!
I'm so glad I am not the only one who thinks Johnny Depp is hot! Did you see Chocolat?? Hello! Super Yum! What red blooded American girl could resist that?
You know we are planning on driving up to MI in late summer (tentatively). We are thinking of buying a house in No. MI even if we don't get stationed there. Where else could we pretty much pay cash for a house in the woods near a lake?

Crafty Webfoot said...

I'm glad school is going well for you.

So, I have to say, you have made dinners...well...and adventure for us. Every since we recieved the chopsticks W insists on using them for anything that resembles rice. You know, even those authentic asian couscous dishes. And for some reason we usually seem to have those on nights that we actually have to go someplace after eating. The nights that work better if he eats more than one grain of food at a time...He's a nut.

Okay, so we don't have a motorhome, we have a travel trailer...ahemm. Kidding. Gas is already going up here, seems to be about 4 cent increments. We haven't really talked about camping yet. If D keeps hanging out with the fishes we probably wouldn't be able to afford for him to take that long off. On the other hand if he gets on with the city (it's been about long enough we should be hearing back soon...I hope) then he won't have any vacation built up. Of course with the city job he can pretty much work from home as often as we have water leaks on the other side of our meter. We'll see though.

MandMsWorld said...

Congrats on the "A" - WOOHOO!!!!!!!!

Yes - study time definately digs into the t.v. time - Matt sympathizes....Actually, now that I think about that is when I got INTO t.v. - while he was, what's Paul watching these days?????

The icicles - they're like suckers, as long as they don't run with them they'll be fine - it's JUST WATER. Or else they will turn out short like me - whatever....

We're dropping south this year - BUT will be going to Chicago summer 2010 for Matt's parents 50th, so Michigan could very well be on the agenda then.......

Have a great week - study hard you brainiac!!!!