Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My, Oh My, It Is I, the slacker....

Hello ladies! Yes, it is me, I am back! after my long absence, I have returned to the blog world. I am pleased to announce that i got straight A's in all my classes and i have a perfect GPA. Not bad for an old lady. I am taking two classes this summer, Teaching Literature to Children, and Technology in the Classroom. I have discovered i am not a "techie", I suck at it and I am being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Melissa, would you please stop getting so high tech with your blog....I suck and it is a total reminder to me that I do. I had to create a webpage for my class in technology and when I am all finished I will share the address with you, can all google me at somepoint and you will see it in progress as I add to it every week and complete the project. I love my lit class, reading kids books and discussing them is my favorite thing to do. we just finished reading "Bud, not Buddy", by Christopher Paul Curtis. I highly recommend it for everyone, but I know all the boys will love it. I had one full week when the kids were in school and I was not. I spent the whole week ignoring the laundry and reading my stack of fun books. I plowed through one a day and loved every minute of it. Paul and I also got in a bunch of golf while the kids were in school. Speaking of golf...the whole family is in a golf scramble over Memorial day weekend. It is through our golf club and it will be Grace's debut! She has been golfing with us for a few weeks now and loves it. This summer it is swim and golf. Both kids are swimming for the Grand Haven swim team this summer. They are going to be in shape by the end of the summer. They have practice everyday and a meet every Thursday, that with the golfing when Dad gets home every afternoon, and these kids are going to be powerhouses. We have two trips planned for the summer. A trip to Chicago in July and a trip to New York in August. We will be very busy beavers. I had a very nice Mother's Day. I slept supper late and had an ice cream sundae for breakfast with my the big bed! Now for all the TV viewers in the audience...

Survivor-J.T. better win. I think I have a huge crush on the southern hottie. It sickens Paul, but who cares. He is adorable and nice to look at and to close your eyes and listen...UMMMMM. Coach drives me crazy. Someone needs to scheme him off the island. I am also glad Sierra is gone, she annoyed me as well.

American idol- I have been watching the singing, but not the kick off shows. i want Danny Gokey to win. I haven't liked Adam since he killed the Johnny Cash sone in week two or three. He is so shrill sounding. Plus Gokey is cute. He kind of reminds me of Josh other favorite American Idol cutie pie!

Hells Kitchen- I want the bot to win....of course, now that I am trying to remember his name I can't! Season finally is tomorrow while I am at school, so Paul is taping it for me.

Amazing Race-I loved that Tammy and Victor won. They worked really well together and they kicked butt.

I have not watched Gray's or Desperate in ages. They are both on my watch this summer list, so I can catch up.

Has anyone heard anything about Army Wives?

Is anyone watching the new season of the Bachlorette? I am!

That's it for me. I will post faithfully from now on, no more slacking off.


The Monkey Bugs said...

Congrats on the straight A's!!! That's awesome! No wonder you haven't had time to blog.
How long are you in New York for? What part are you going to? We are only a few hours from NYC, maybe we could meet up somewhere?
I don't know what's so high tech. about my blog, but I for sure don't know how to design a web page, so after your class you will be the techy of the group!
I don't like Adam Lambert either. I don't get it at all, in most of his songs he sounds like a screaming cat!

Anonymous said...

Your GPA is awesome!!

I'm sooo rooting on JT to win! He's played the game well and deserves it.

Crafty Webfoot said...

Reading, what is that. You know, I haven't sat down to read a book since about the time I went on bed rest with H. I only read a few chapters after that because I quickly decided it was more effort than it was worth to try to keep a book open when you are flat on your back. And once he popped out I haven't had a free moment. I'm jealous...

MandMsWorld said...

Congratulations on the straight A's - I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm not - I knew you'd ace your tests!

I just saw in the paper this morning that Army Wives starts again on June 7....

Sounds like a fun busy summer - and a nice mother's day!!