Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's Thursday Again....well almost!

Hello Everyone! I am getting this done on weds. night again. After I drop the kiddies at school tomorrow I am off to do some Christmas shopping. I have Paul done and all the gifties shipped to the rest of the family members (I won't say what I got everyone, who knows if they are reading this), I also sent out goodies to each of you sweet ladies. Nothing terribly exciting, but I did think of you all on my trip. Here are a few pictures from the trip.
The first is from a 700 year old walled village. These ladies are "Professional Models". They will allow you to take their picture if you pay them. The other picture is from a 400 year old garden that some guy built as a 65th birthday present to his parents. I hope H and G remember this story for later in life. So, back to the Christmas thing...... I need to get stocking stuffers and some other little things for the kids from us and Santa. Everyone keeps asking me what I want and I am not exactly sure. What is it that all of you are hoping for this Christmas? I remember loving Christmas presents, but since I had kids it has all changed. It is more important for the babies to love their presents than about what I am getting. Is that when you become an adult? I do have to say that the older the kids get the more expensive the gifts become (Amy I feel your pain). H has an IPOD Video, an inflatable kayack, a motorcycle, Nintendo DS, cooking stuff, golf clubs, and a tent on his list. G is better, but still has American Girl doll stuff and a Nintendo DS on her list. What are the big ticket items in your houses this year? What are you all doing for stocking stuffers for your kids and hubbies this year? I always blow it and spend a gazillion dollars on the stocking stuffers, but this year I vow to be better. So here is my list of wants, stocking stuffers, and traditions.

A gift certificate to get all the books on my Amazon list
A massage
A new winter coat

Paul-lottery ticket, cigar, orange slices candy, a motorcycle magazine (give me any other ideas you all may have)
H and G-socks, pez, candy (any other ideas you may have)

In my family we would open a present on Christmas Eve, but Paul poo pooed that when we got married, so now we have snack tray on Christmas Eve. It is a tray with lots of cheeses, meats, veggies and cookies (all gourmet) so that you don't have to cook on Christmas Eve. I am also going to start somthing new this year. During the summer the kids and I were bored and I got some paper out and asked them each 50 questions about themselves. We had so much fun I decided to do it at Christmas time every year. So this year I am getting some Christmas paper, and a binder and I am going ot run off some questionaires to ask the kids. Fav. color, food, song, book, movie, friend, toy, event and so on. I am going to place it in a Christmas binder and do it every Christmas Eve. I know the answers will change every year and it will be fun to go over last years answers at the same time. We also have the Christmas pickle. Let me know what your traditions, maybe I will adopt some of them.

So that is my time for this evening. I will probably jump on all of your blog tomorrow and chat.


The Monkey Bugs said...

China looks like it was beautiful. Love those professinal models!
I love your snack tray tradition! It gives the kids a chance to help out and have input, unlike a big fancy dinner where they just get told to get out of the kitchen over and over. We may have to adopt that one from you!

The Monkey Bugs said...

Whoa! Love how I spelled professional in that last comment! Obviously the caffeine/sudafed cocktail hadn't kicked in yet!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had fun in China. Wish I could go on a trip like that.

I'm glad you found a new friend. :o)

When do you start classes? That's so awesome that you and Tara are both in school.

I only want Star and her brother to win Amazing Race!! The other 2 couples don't even deserve to be in the finals.

Crafty Webfoot said...

Love the China pictures. They made me think of my dad's mom. She travel to China, among other places, while teaching in Korea before marrying my grandfather. With all of the traveling you have done, I think of the two of you being similar...well, except for the food poisoning hippee commune thing...your poor husband to be...