Thursday, February 5, 2009

Good Morning Girls!

I am up and ready to go this morning. I have some school work to get ready to turn in today and H forgot his homework in the library so we have to leave early so we can get it and get it done before school. We have had a very nice week. We went sledding on Sat and Sun. the kids loved it. G is much more of a daredevil than H which is very suprising. We also had a superbowl party for just the four of us, but it was fun anyway. Here is a shoot out to Bill for his superior team. We loved watching them. H and I were hoping the Steelers would win, Paul was going for the Cardinals. What a great game. For those of you that don't know Star of the Sea is going through a huge scandle right now. Check it out on the Daily Astorian website. Type in the keyword St. Mary's or Star of the Sea. You can also google it and I am sure you can see it on the big news stations out of Portland. So, in other news. We are taking H to the doctor on Fri. He is showing some signs of anxiety, so we want to see what we can do to help him out. I think the move has been a bigger deal for him than we thought. He has undergone a pretty big personality change in the last 6 months and we are starting to get concerned. He doesn't want to go anywhere without us. He doesn't want to go to a friend's house to play unless one of us is going to stay. He doesn't want to go sledding or ice skating if he thinks a bunch of other kids are going to be there. He is also very concerned about checking that doors and windows are locked. I was looking up anxiety in kids and he has some pretty big signs of it. All I can say is that it really sucks when you know your baby is going through some issues and you don't know what to say or do to help them. I am also very glad we are part of the C.G. so we can get the help we need and now have to worry about the cost. On a happier note. G and Paul are going to the Father/Daughter dance on Weds. I am taking her to get her hair done before and they are going out to dinner with her best friend and her best friends Dad. Paul wants to play it up really big so she has a great time and he makes up for not being home to take her the last few years, but he also wants to set the stage for any boys that try and date his daughter years from now. He wants the date standard set high, so G doesn't settle for some shmuck. H and I are going to go and see Pink Panther 2 while they are at the dance. A nice Mom/Son night, and the best part is I don't have to get super dressed up for it. The YMCA here is doing a parent's night out on Feb 13th, which G wants to go to, but H does not and so we are trying to decide if it is worth making him go so we get a date. We have not been out together at night, on a date since we lived in Astoria. I will keep you posted on the possible date night. School is great. I really love being back in a classroom, learning new things. The younger girls in the classes are starting to share their boyfriend problems with me, but I think, in a more Mom than girlfriend capacity. That's OK though, because at least they trust me enough to share. I like my proffessors. They are all very smart and I get a lot out of the classes they teach. I am not looking forward to Mid-Terms, which are coming up. I remember why everyone parties so much in school. To celebrate when things are going well, and to drown your sorrows when they are not. I haven't reached either point yet! I am so glad to hear Lily is doing OK. Amy do you have anymore info? Melissa, I love all the craft links on your page. Amy....SURVIVOR, next week! Michelle, have you started planning your trip across the country yet? Planning to stop here? Well, I am off to start the day. Have a good Thursday ladies.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome that you're taking the lead to get advice on H. It's better to have things checked out before they get too bad. We've always known you're a great mom. :o)

Can't wait for Survivor!!!! I was checking out all the new castmates last night. Doesn't Amazing Race start again too?

I did see the article about Star of the Sea. Just crazy!

The Monkey Bugs said...

Is Paul going to get you a reward if you get straight A's??? Maybe a new Dooney??? That would certainly motivate me!
I'm sorry to hear that H is having a hard time, but it sounds like you are on the right track and getting him what he needs! You have such a great family, I'm sure he will be just fine!
Post pictures of the Daddy daughter dance! Sounds adorable!!!
Bill will be glad to hear that you rooted for the Steelers...he might never speak to Paul again though...

Crafty Webfoot said...

Boy, you sound in much better spirits since your last post. Awesome.

The news on the school did infact hit the tv channels. I meant to email you to see if you had heard.

Tell H to hang in there. W really seemed to respond to sand tray therapy here. We kind of didn't understand why she couldn't come to the house and play in the pit here with him...Anyway, I'm sure that you will find something that works for him.

Hang in there...